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19 June 2007

Have gun, will travel

In all likelihood, this target was "laser painted" by a special forces team just over the brow of the nearest hill... and vapourised by Hellfire missiles from a Predator UAV.

Then they just swept on in and swabbed up some DNA.
-- MIRANSHAH, Pakistan, June 19 (Reuters) -- A missile attack, probably launched by U.S. forces in Afghanistan, killed at least 32 pro-Taliban militants in a Pakistani tribal region near the border on Tuesday, Pakistani officials said.

The missiles targeted a suspected training base in a village near the mountainous Datta Khel district, 60 km (40 miles) west of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan, officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters.

Intelligence officials said some foreigners were among those killed in Mamy Rogha, raising the possibility that al Qaeda fighters might have also been present.

North Waziristan is a known refuge for remnants of Osama bin Laden's network.
These guys call themselves terrorists... but I'm guessin' raggedy arseholes were snappin' shut all over Waziristan today.

Hey Osama... we're comin' for ya.


Yeah... that's what happened
A spokesman for the Pakistani military, Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad, denied that United States or NATO forces operating in Afghanistan were involved in the attack. He said the explosion occurred when a bomb the militants were making went off.

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