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17 June 2007

Globe tries to blame Harper...

For refugee claim backlog.
-- OTTAWA -- Canada's backlog of refugee claims is growing by almost 1,000 cases a month as the Harper government continues to dawdle on filling vacancies at the Immigration and Refugee Board.

Backlog statistics are drawn from the IRB's data on pending claims. Currently, there are about 28,000 such claims at various stages of the refugee determination process.
While, surprisingly, over at the Red Star... they're exposing the immigration consultants who are taking money for showing people how to falsify their entry into Canada...
Filing a claim based on lies, as Arora has suggested, is an abuse of Canada's compassion, the refugee system and, in the long run, the client.

Trouble is, it's also attractively effective
It's a pretty interesting expose of the "refugee claimant" industry.

But that's not what the sheeple want to hear.


Save us... oh compassionate Liberal Party

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