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25 June 2007

Creationism my ass...

Ya just gotta love science...
-- WASHINGTON -- Researchers studying Neanderthal DNA say it should be possible to construct a complete genome of the ancient hominid despite the degradation of DNA over time.

Debate has raged for years about whether there is any relationship between Neanderthals and modern humans. Some researchers believe that Neanderthals were simply replaced by early modern humans, while others argue the two groups may have interbred.

Sequencing the genome of Neanderthals, who lived in Europe until about 30,000 years ago, could shed some light on that question.
Now I've probably pissed off my more religious BT brethren here... and that got me thinking.

You piss off a devout Muslim and he wants to kill your lousy infidel ass... you piss off a North American Evangelical Christian... he just wants to pray for your soul.

Just a thought.

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