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21 June 2007

"As enraged as it gets"

They don't call it the Holy Land for nothin'...
A controversial Gay Pride parade is due to march through Jerusalem with an expected 5,000 participants.

More than 7,000 police will secure the parade and prevent possible clashes between the two sides.

The event, held in Jerusalem since 2001, has been denounced in the past by conservative Jewish, Christian and Muslim groups which share a view that homosexuality is an abomination.
Call me crazy, but I'm thinkin' this may not be the best place in the world to shove a celebration of "alternate lifestyles" down peoples throats.

Maybe we could send them David Miller... he'd fix it.


UPDATE: Gay Simon strokes out...

In the comments.
"Those Orthodox are just traitors to the state of Israel. Parasites and kooky freaks who should all be shot...The marchers who take on those black hatted nazis are braver than you could ever be."
From Simon's blogger profile...
I seek Truth...Freedom... Justice... and a kinder gentler world.
For everyone who agrees with him, that is.


LAST WORD: Hey Simon, this guy...

Wants to kill people... just like you do.
An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man was arrested for planning to bomb the parade, Israeli police said.

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