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24 June 2007

Anglicans... two thumbs up

UPDATE: The story has been changed

Same G & M link, without any explanation, now goes to this Michael Valpy article that says the vote went the other way...
A razor-thin majority of Canada's Anglican bishops on Sunday overrode the wishes of their laity and clergy and vetoed a resolution that would have allowed for blessings in church settings of committed homosexual unions.

It needed a triple majority of bishops, clergy and laity to pass. The laity voted 79 to 59 in favour and clergy voted 63 to 53, but bishops voted 21 to 19 against.
-- WINNIPEG -- Canadian Anglicans have taken the first step towards blessing gay and lesbian unions.

Delegates meeting in Winnipeg for the General Synod have agreed that the blessing of same sex unions does not conflict with the core doctrine of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Widely approved by clergy and laity, the vote was tight among the Anglican bishops, narrowly passing by two votes.
Lutherans... two thumbs down.
Canada's Evangelical Lutheran church, which is also meeting in Winnipeg this weekend, rejected same sex blessings in a vote held Saturday.
And the beat goes on.


LAST WORD: Let's ask the Anglicans
Canadian Anglicans, meeting at their General Synod governing convention, voted by the slimmest of margins to defeat a proposal that would have permitted church blessing rites for gay couples.

However, on the same day, the synod – also by a narrow margin – agreed that such blessings are “not in conflict with the core doctrine” of the church. Much of the sixth day of the synod was taken up with debate on the two questions, with dozens of people approaching microphones in the plenary hall to voice emotional opinions.

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