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22 June 2007

And that, my friends...

Is the most important consideration here...
"Obviously it sends a very positive message about diversity," Simon Fraser University criminologist Neil Boyd said of the police board's decision.
Well, maybe the chief can jazz up all their technology... cos' it doesn't sound like he's much of a street cop.
Much of the officer's career has been spent on the technical side of policing. Among other achievements, he created the VPD's first website in 1997, and oversaw the force's transition to a new radio system in 1998.
Of course, maybe I shouldn't be so critical... apparently he's the most qualified and sought after leader in Canadian law enforcement.
"The police board has gone through an exhaustive process, we've searched the whole country for the best person for the job," Mr. Sullivan said.
I wonder how Toronto missed hiring him.

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