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29 June 2007

Algonquians now claim Parliament Hill

"We're going to bring some people to Parliament Hill, put a camp there and stay there until we get an answer to resolve the problems that we have in our community," Chief Matchewan said.

The fact that thousands of Canadians will descend on the proposed campsite for this weekend's Canada Day festivities will not deter the chief.

"That's our land there; they have to know that. Those thousands of people are going to know that Parliament Hill is on unceded Algonquian title," he said.

CTV aboriginal spinfest

Just finished watching the two lead stories on CTV news. Both stories were about the blockade of the railway lines and the 401 at Deseronto.

As expected, absolutely no mention of Shawn Brant's threats of armed insurrection... merely a softball interview, where Brant, just like Arafat and company, got to speak out of the other side of his mouth.

In both stories, aboriginal law-breaking was characterised solely as an "inconvenience."

I think I'll stick with the actual story.

Funny, CTV missed this stuff too...
CN Rail spokesman Mark Hallman would not discuss revenues the company might have lost when it cancelled its freight trains for the day, but said the company operates 25 trains carrying about $100-million worth of commodities between Montreal and Toronto every day.

At a demonstration outside Queen's Park in Toronto, aboriginal protester Doreen Silversmith slammed the federal government's offer of $125-million to end the 15-month standoff with native protesters in Caledonia, Ont.

“The government can goddamn shove it up their asses,” she said to the cheers of about 400 natives and University of Toronto students.

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