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25 May 2007

Yup... there's a Spring Offensive...

It's just a little different than the Taliban imagined.
-- MA'SUM GHAR, AFGHANISTAN -- Canadian troops have launched their most ambitious assault on the Taliban in nearly two months.

Shortly after dawn on Friday, a multi-national force including Canadians, Afghans, Portuguese and British, began an operation designed to flush out Taliban believed to be in the area near the Arghandab River.
I sure hope Olivia is around to soothe Taliban Jack's fevered brow... it sounds like a big operation.
Col. Mike Cessford, deputy commander of the Canadian task force in Afghanistan, described the operation as a “hammer and anvil.”

The battle, fought under the codename Operation Hoover, is taking place only a few kilometres from where Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited on Wednesday.
I can't wait to hear all the pissin' and moanin' up on Pussyville Hill tomorrow.

UPDATE: Canadian soldier killed

I'm sure we're gonna hear the wailing and moaning from Taliban Jack and his brother-in-surrender, Steffi... but let's all remember... that's why it's called "War" and not "Circle of Friends."
"As this soldier was moving forward, with other Canadians and other Afghan soldiers, an IED was triggered and he was killed," Colonel Mike Cessford, deputy commander of the Canadian task force in Afghanistan, told reporters.

HE WILL BE REMEMBERED: Corporal Matthew McCully
The soldier was identified as signals operator Corporal Matthew McCully from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron based at Petawawa, outside Ottawa.
"It's a pretty sad day. But he was doing what he needed to do, what he wanted to do."

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