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07 May 2007

Your money, their friends - Part XXII

Angry in the Great White North has the scoop on former Liberal MP David Smith and his cousin Frank Brazeau... who handed Smith the lucrative government contracts in his capacity as project manager at Consulting and Audit Canada.
Many of the contracts involved retired public servants who fell under the one-year cooling off period and couldn't work for the government.

Instead, CAC would direct the contract to Abotech as a middleman, which would collect a fee and turn it over to the contractor doing the work.
No wonder all Steffi wants to yak about... is the environment.

RELATED: Dalton Gang no slouches...

When it comes to dishing out pork...
-- TORONTO -- The province is replacing its veteran aboriginal affairs negotiator Jane Stewart in the talks to end the 15-month-long Six Nations occupation in a southern Ontario town.

The former Liberal Indian affairs minister is being replaced by a bureaucrat, which worries many in Caledonia who say the change will delay the negotiations further.

Ms. Stewart was being paid $1,300 a day by the province to help negotiate an end to the occupation.
I guess after fifteen months of that... Baby Jane's got a new pair of shoes.

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