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06 May 2007

What now Lizzie May?

-- COLDBROOK -- Federal Green Leader Elizabeth May says her party is prepared to do the right thing despite the political con­sequences.
Apparently, I'm not the only one who's a little worried about Lizzie-poo...
"What if we compared Harper to King James II?" some guy asked. I asked him to explain a little further.

"James the Second," he said. "Stood idly by while William the Orange massed his forces. In 1688. The Glorious Revolution? Anyone?"

Man, these staffers. They're earnest, but dorky.
This is one wigged-out tree-hugger... if she so much as whispers Nürnberg, I'm calling the RCMP.


RELATED: "Nearing the edge of the life force."
So it’s all about media attention, for the Greens and especially for the attention-loving Ms. May. It might make a political statement, but it won’t put her in Parliament.

There’s already grumbling among the party faithful in Central Nova. One long-time Liberal tells me he’ll vote NDP next time because his party has abandoned him. Another local Liberal suggested the move just hands the seat back to Mr. MacKay.

As to what else the deal implies, Ms. May has been speculating out loud – her preferred way of doing everything – about potential Red-Green alliances in other ridings. That won’t be well received by rank-and-file Liberals.

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