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24 May 2007

The propaganda war begins...

Black activist and school board trustee Stephanie Payne, best known for her fight to keep the musical Showboat out of Toronto, has jumped into the latest shooting incident in northwest Toronto to defend the indefensible...
Payne said C.W. Jefferys is one of the safest schools in Toronto and parents realize it is a "very safe, compassionate school."
Geez, Steph, not to be a party-pooper or anything... but I've got the dead body of a 15 year old kid that says different. It also raises the question of what has to happen at a Toronto school... for it to make Ms. Payne's "not so safe school" list... are we talkng grenades, flamethrowers... or what? She continues to babble...
Ms. Payne told CBC there were still no leads or clues as to how the assailant got into the school with a gun.
Now, I realise I'm goin' out out a limb here, but I'm gonna guess he came in through the unlocked, unguarded front door... because despite the horrible statistics for gun violence in the immediate area and the pleas of parents for more security at the school... nothing was done. Now remember... Stephanie Payne says this is a safe school... in a safe area... so just get off that black kids and gangs thing. 

UPDATE:   Curtain of silence Once again, the black community closes ranks...
"It's quite common in these investigations that people do not come forward initially. That's why we feel it's necessary to ... ask people to do the right thing. Be courageous, come forward and do the positive thing for your community."
UPDATE2:  More politically correct pablum 

Apparently the McGuinty government thinks a hot lunch programme will make the Bloods and the Crips throw down their guns... It sounds a lot like their "aboriginal surrender initiative."
Ontario's education minister suggested this generation of children lack a sense of belonging and direction. "We have to make sure there are programs in our communities so kids have things to do and have opportunities," said Kathleen Wynne.
Things to do? You mean besides shooting each other? Well, Kathleen, call me a kneejerk neo-conservative... but I'm thinkin' maybe we don't disband the police forces just yet.

LAST WORD:  McGuinty's fiberal flip-flop
Frankly, yesterday's open letter was a shocking piece of political opportunism. To use the death of a child in a school to posture politically, when the Liberals' track record on gun violence has been to tell those of us who've worried about it that we're scare-mongering is appalling.