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03 May 2007

OPP says, "Pretty please, Shawn...

"Will you come down to the station, so we can arrest you?"
-- Thursday, May 03, 2007 @ 10:00 -- Shawn Brant will turn himself in this morning at the Napanee OPP detachment to accept charges related to blocking the CN railway near Deseronto last month.

The OPP issued a warrant for Brant's arrest in relation to the April 21 closure, which blocked the main line for 30 hours, said Sgt. Kristine Rae.

"There is an arrest warrant out for Shawn Brant," she said. "I am aware of that message going out, but he is not in custody at this time."
Notice that the illegal blockade is simply called "a closure"... you know, scheduled maintenance for aboriginal media stunts, as it were.

Mr. Brant has retained the services of lawyer Peter Rosenthal who represented the family of Dudley George at the Ipperwash proceedings. I breathlessly await the ghosts of martyred native warriors at Mr. Brant's court appearance.

A spokeman for the group that is occupying the gravel operation near Deseronto said Brant's arrest will change none of their plans...
Brant's surrender does not impact the occupation, he said. The group also feels Brant is taking heat because he has been the most visible.

"Targeting one of our speakers is an old tactic," Maracle said. "If one person goes down, another takes their place. If someone goes down on the battlefield, no one should expect the battle to stop."
You see, it's not about "criminal activity"... it's about "freedom fighters."

I can't wait for the made-for-tv movie.

RELATED: It's not like the courts will do anything anyway.

What exactly do you have to do in this country... to be sent to prison?
In sentencing the Scarborough father of two to 16 months with probation and community service instead of 8-to-10 years in prison -- which prosecutors sought -- Stinson warned Tuesday of no leniency if Bryan returned to his court.

Stinson said Bryan's conviction record for 31 offences, plus the risk to police and the community were weighed against Bryan's age, apparent remorse, support from relatives and established sentencing standards for gunmen.

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