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07 May 2007

No pork or alcohol...

But apparently heroin is just dandy...
Sharia-compliant products must meet three criteria: no explicit interest is paid; the transactions can't be in such areas such as gambling, alcohol, pork or pornography; and the transaction can't be deemed as a gambling contract, or one that assumes a high level of risk.
Most people in the western world are aware by now, that the underground economy of Afghanistan, indeed the financial basis for resisting the "infidel invaders", floats on a sea of obscene profit generated almost exclusively by the worldwide sale of heroin.

And let me tell you, heroin has killed far more people on this continent than the Taliban could ever imagine in their wildest religious ecstasy.

If you have any doubt about the evil, iron-fisted grip heroin has on its disciples, you need only take a drive through the seediest sections of Toronto or Vancouver for confirmation.

Yet no one questions why Islam doesn't have a problem with that. We just gear up to accommodate, nay... enthusiastically embrace, sharia law.

Mark Steyn nailed this hot, new trend a while back in his book, "America Alone".

It's called "creeping sharia" and apparently... we're ok with that.

And so are our financial institutions.


RELATED: "An equal-opportunity killer"

Who's using heroin? Well, you might be surprised...
Iran has the highest proportion of heroin addicts in the world and a growing Aids problem. Cheap opium and increasingly refined heroin flood over the border from Afghanistan.

Some estimates put the number of users as high as three million - one in 20 of the population.

In such a rigid society in which public dancing and music were - until recently - illegal, drugs have become a common form of recreation.

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