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05 May 2007

It could have been worse...

It's not like anyone was beheaded...
-- Norway -- A friendship-building football match between Muslim and Christian clergy in Norway was called off after a row over the participation of women players.

Muslim Imams had refused to play against women because it went against their beliefs about close physical contact with the opposite sex.

RELATED: You've come a wrong way, baby.
A new university for women is opening in Riyadh - yet Saudi Arabia remains a country where women cannot vote, drive, dress as they like or go where they please.

LAST WORD: "Smack a Liberal Day"
That's what I was hoping you'd say and again, you're proving my point.

Your comment: "There is no single dominant better culture than another," is relativistic nonsense.

If you really believe that then you would have to agree that suttee -- the Hindu practice of throwing widows on their husband's funeral pyre -- is OK.

After all, according to you, that's neither worse nor better, just "different."

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