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28 May 2007

It bears repeating...

David Miller can't count to 10 without removing his mittens...

Did Stephen Harper shoot Jordan Manners?

According to his Commie-Pinkness the Mayor... Harper might as well have pulled the trigger himself.
If we follow Mayor Miller's logic, the only reason Jordan Manners is dead is the federal Conservatives' unwillingness to ban handguns.

Well, while, we're at it, why don't we get those nasty Tories to ban drugs, bank robberies and car thefts, too. And murder. Let's get them to ban murder, because murder is bad.

The cause of gun crimes such as the Manners murder and Britain's recent rash of similar shootings is a changing culture. And that's the one "root cause" David Miller and his ilk refuse even to talk about.
The two 17 year old thugs who have been arrested... showed up at the dead kids bbq funeral fundraiser!!! How cold is that?

David Miller would probably say, "Maybe they just really like ribs."


The leftbots trot out Barbara Coloroso...

You know there's a tide of warm, fuzzy bullshit comin' down the pipe.

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