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09 May 2007

If it's our money...

The Liberals are spending... why don't we get to see the receipts?
"We're just asking Auditor General Jim McCarter to embolden himself and take this on."

For the past few weeks, opposition New Democrats and Conservatives have trained a laser-like focus on an unnamed program that handed out about $32 million over the past two years without formal application processes or oversight.
When Howard Hampton decides to stand shoulder to shoulder with John Tory, you know there's gotta be a real problem in there somewhere.
"That is the classic definition of a slush fund, where a minister gets to dole something out, no questions asked," said Tory.

"It would appear a significant amount of money went to groups that have a limited history in the community but are very closely tied to the McGuinty Liberal party," he told reporters.

"And we think the public deserves a full accounting."

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