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22 May 2007

Are Palestinians forking crazy?

My father used to tell a story... I was a toddler and he was watching me amble across the living room with a piece of stainless steel cutlery in my mitt... not realising that I was steering for an electrical outlet.

He figured it out just a little too late... and despite leaping off the couch, had to settle for watching me get blown ass backwards across the dining room floor. No real damage, apart from a blown fuse and a scorched wall... but it could have been much worse.

That's what I thought of... when I read about those chuckleheads from Hamas launching missiles non-stop into Israel this week. They're a lot like totally clueless toddlers... and it makes you wanna grab them and smack their hands til they get the message.

I think that's how the Israeli government must feel right now...
We hope that a political process will prevail, because we don't want to be dragged into what Hamas wants us to be dragged into. But events will dictate.

If a Qassam rocket lands on an Israeli kindergarten, all bets are off."
The difference here is, unlike a small child... they must know they're playing with fire.

But they're gonna do it anyway... aren't they?


Let's ask American Muslims
The first nationwide survey of Muslim Americans revealed that more than a quarter of those younger than 30 say suicide bombings to defend Islam are justified...

"But the survey also found that only 40 percent of the overall American Muslim population would even admit that Arabs were behind 9/11.
Yup, feelin' much better now.

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