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22 May 2007

Anarchy bites aboriginal arse?

No one really seems to be saying... but is this why a man was shot in Caledonia last week?
-- CALEDONIA -- A smoke shop that was the site of a shooting Thursday afternoon was set up without Six Nations band council or Confederacy approval.
Is Jeffrey Henhawk -- the man who set up the smoke shop -- also the man who was shot?
The council rents the land to a Six Nations farmer, but Henhawk is a supporter of the traditional Confederacy and believes he does not need permission from the council to set up his cigarette hut.
As well as his disregard for even aboriginal law, Mr. Henhawk, like many of his native compatriots, apparently has some anger-management issues...
One of the most vocal protesters, Jeff Henhawk of Caledonia, was released on $2,000 bail on charges of creating a disturbance, intimidation and assault with a weapon in relation to an incident near a Canadian Tire store in Caledonia.
And the karmic wheel goes round and round.

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