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04 April 2007


Where's your Union steward when you really need one...
But the blood-covered, machete-wielding Hutu militiamen who stopped them at a roadblock were exhausted from slaying people all night and sent them away.
You might wonder why this horrendous story is back in the Canadian news.

All too predictably, it's because Desire Munyaneza, another of the world's "scum of the earth" has chosen Canada as his new base of operations.

One Rwandan woman testified to the horrific events...
Hour after hour, she spoke of mass rapes, of people clubbed or hacked to death, of desperate refugees driven to suicide.

Known as C-15, she was the first of two witnesses who have spoken at the trial of Rwanda-born Toronto resident Désiré Munyaneza.

Mr. Munyaneza had a small smile when the witness identified him in court. His relatives snickered when she described him as a killer.
Another legacy of the Liberal dominated leftbot justice system. What are we gonna do with this guy... send him to Club Fed for two years less a day?

Put this murdering piece on shit on a plane back home.

Do it now.

RELATED: Swept up by the Broom
A RADICAL Muslim cleric has been refused entry to Australia, and another has been asked to show cause why he should not also be banned, just days before they were due to attend an Islamic conference in Melbourne.

Sheik Bilal Philips, a Canadian citizen who lives in Qatar, was banned at the last minute by Department of Immigration officials, believed to have been acting on national security agency advice, the Herald Sun reported today.

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