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01 April 2007

Who cares what happened...

We'll just let the diplomats weave their magic tapestry...

This is what drives ordinary people crazy about "diplomacy."

It's just like the ever weaselly-words that constantly emanate from the UN.
-- LONDON, March 31 -- After more than a week of mounting confrontation over its 15 captured sailors and marines held in Iran, Britain sounded a more conciliatory tone on Saturday, saying it had responded to a diplomatic message from Tehran and was ready to peacefully resolve the issue.

Craig Murray, a former British diplomat and Foreign Office specialist on maritime affairs, said, "There is no agreed maritime boundary between Iraq and Iran in the Persian Gulf.

Until the current mad propaganda exercise of the last week, nobody would have found that in the least a controversial statement."
So, in effect, both parties are looking for a plateau that gives each of them the semblance of a diplomatic "reach-around", while each party also seems to, but actually doesn't, climb down from the impasse.

It's a solution that satisfies no one but the diplomats themselves.

As I commented previously elsewhere...
Maggie Thatcher would have rounded up some Iranian spies and personally shoved bamboo shards up their dicks and sent the video to Tehran... all in the first 48 hours of this charade.

Kidnapping British citizens is certainly grounds for going to war and the Israelis are at hair trigger alert... and would no doubt level Natanz and the other nuclear facilities they have targeted in the first blush of British retaliation.

Two words baby... Falkland Islands.
Whatever happened to bold deeds and straight talk?

UPDATE: Mesowest comes up with one...
It now turns out Iran tried to capture and abduct a group of American soldiers before succeeding with the 15 Britons. A report in Time magazine says the attempt was made last September 7 on the border between Iraq and Iran.

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