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23 April 2007

Uh, guys... just one other thing

Deseronto Mayor Norm Clark reminds Mohawk thugs of a pretty basic principle...

"You don't shit where you eat."
"There is a black cloud hanging over Deseronto," he said Sunday.

Developers have already said they are going to invest their money elsewhere, Clark added, and that affects businesses and could lead to a drop in housing values.

Clark said he understood and agreed with the native need to settle the land claim, but innocent people were paying the price for the blockade.
That includes, I should add, the native residents.

RELATED: Rounding up...

The usual suspects.
No Mohawks were on hand at Queen's Park Monday to join a protest over the land claim dispute in Deseronto.

But a young man with a mohawk haircut was among the 30 supporters of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, who want the provincial government to revoke the licence of a gravel quarry operating on the disputed land.
All together now... "We are the world..."

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