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19 April 2007

Too many victims...

Not enough chiefs...

This might explain the soft ride the Deseronto native occupation has been getting.
-- BELLEVILLE, Ont. (CP) Canada - Thursday, April 19, 2007 Updated @ 3:04:52 PM --

The chief of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Police Service in eastern Ontario has been suspended over allegations he made of police racism.

Larry Hay reportedly told a college newspaper on the weekend that the RCMP is a racist organization, and that the Ontario provincial police service is no different.

The Loyalist College newspaper, The Pioneer, quotes Hay as saying the racism is “deep-seated” but the RCMP “will do all kinds of things to show that it isn’t so.”
"Hay was a Mountie for 20 years."
Not a word online in the Belleville papers.

Thanks to Mike at Rideau Reflections for the email alert.

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