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20 April 2007

Preem admits, "I'm no leader"

"Please save my bacon, Oh Wise Federal Leader", cries Dalton McGuinty.
-- Deseronto, Ont. -- Aboriginal protesters vowed Friday to maintain their planned 48-hour blockade of eastern Ontario's main rail corridor despite a court injunction ordering them off the railway crossing.

The tense situation prompted Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty to urge the federal government to intervene at the “earliest possible opportunity” to help resolve the issues behind the blockade.
Having made a major-league mess of the year old, as-yet-unresolved aboriginal standoff in Caledonia, Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty is apparently now at his wits end... over a similar situation developing in Deseronto.

See, here's the question Dalton... if I go down the road and commandeer the local lumber yard and threaten to take over the neighbouring town, how long do you think it would take an OPP SWAT team to stand me down... one way or another?

These terrorists are shutting down country-wide commerce.

What's your problem here? Dalton..? Dalton?

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