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06 April 2007

One of the concessions...

Tony Blair swears he didn't give the Iranians...
Iran's state news agency says an envoy is being given access to five Iranians detained by US forces in Iraq.

Tehran maintains the five, seized from the consulate in Irbil, northern Iraq, are diplomats, but the US accused them of providing support to insurgents.
You know... just like the "Iranian diplomat" suddenly freed by a mysterious group in Iraq.

No wonder people don't trust politicians.

Not that journalists are much better.

When the going gets tough...
Watching Tottenham Hotspur fans taking on the Spanish constabulary at a European soccer match the other night, I found myself idly speculating on what might have happened had those Iranian kidnappers made the mistake of seizing 15 hard-boiled football yobs who hadn't got the Blair memo about not escalating the situation.
LAST WORD: Sleeping with the enemy

Hey Tony, where's your diplomacy now?
In the deep south of the country, the Basra police commander said the type of roadside bomb used in an attack that killed four British soldiers on Thursday had not been seen in the region previously.

Maj. Gen. Mohammed al-Moussawi's description of the deadly weapon indicated it was a feared Iranian-designed explosively formed penetrator.

Weeks earlier, the American military had claimed Iran was supplying Shiite militia fighters in Iraq with the powerful weapons, known as EFPs. The bombs hurl a molten, fist-sized copper slug capable of piercing armored vehicles.

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