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22 April 2007

My beads... are holier than...

Your beads.
-- BAGHDAD -- Gunmen in northern Iraq stopped a bus filled with Christians and members of a tiny Kurdish religious sect, police said, separating out the groups and taking 23 of the passengers away to be shot.

Police said the execution-style killings of the Yazidis — a primarily Kurdish sect that worships an angel figure considered to be the devil by some Muslims and Christians — appeared to be in response to the stoning death of a Yazidi woman who had recently converted to Islam.
And the beat goes on.


RELATED: No leftbot crybabies here...

Canadian troopers suck it up in Af'stan...
Sun-baked and coated with dust, they slumped into the cool shade of an underground bunker complete with electric lighting, bunk beds and even a freezer — luxury compared with the flea-ridden swatch of desert in southern Helmand province where many have slept under the stars since late February.

“Where we were, in Helmand, it's quite a bit more austere,” said Capt. James Leslie. “My soldiers haven't seen drinking water colder than the shade since February . . . there's even water frozen stiff; it's a nice touch.”

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