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15 April 2007

I just don't understand...

Why Muslims, of all people, can't appreciate that "the rules are the rules."
-- Longueuil, Que. -- A Tae Kwon Do team of mainly Muslim girls withdrew from a tournament after they were barred from taking part with their hijabs, another example of the ongoing debate in Quebec about accommodating religious minorities.

“The equipment that is allowed under the world Tae Kwon Do federation rules doesn't include the hijab,” international referee Stephane Menard said Sunday.
That seems fairly clearcut to me. There is, of course, another larger consideration...
Quebec, a French minority within North America, considers itself a secular society that encourages immigrants to integrate into its francophone culture.
I appreciate that Muslims are supposed to live by a strict set of rules laid out in the Koran. What I don't understand is, why it's so hard for Muslim immigrants to appreciate that their new home might also have rules that have to be obeyed?

I mean, if everything is so peachy-keen and perfect in Muslim countries, why would anyone want to come to horrible, racist Canada anyway?

It's a mystery to me.

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