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12 April 2007

Half cooked Turkey...

Looking to torch the unscorched half of Iraq...
The head of Turkey's powerful military has said Ankara should launch a military operation in northern Iraq to target Kurdish guerrillas based there.

Gen Yasar Buyukanit, chief of Turkey's general staff, urged the government to approve a cross-border incursion.

The United States has repeatedly warned against any such move against the PKK, arguing it would destabilise the only relatively calm region in Iraq.
Not so surprising behaviour from a country whose last military "stroke of genius" was to side with the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914.

This last brainwave is, at least, on a par with Turkey's apparent recent willingness to tear Pope Benedict, that's right -- THE POPE -- limb from limb...
Never mind the usual assortment of nutbag religious extremists... Pope Benedict had pretty much already pissed off every Tom, Dick and Kemal by telling the whole country they weren't good enough to come to; and here's the good part... somebody else's party.
UPDATE: Talking Turkey...
Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said yesterday that Turkey can not remain silent unless Iraq responses to the diplomatic nota of Turkey in a way that corresponds with Turkey's expectations.

Underlining that Turkey advocates Iraq's integrity, unity and tranquillity, Gul said, "We want stability in our region. But if neighboring countries attempt to cause damage to Turkey, we do whatever is necessary to prevent it.
LAST WORD: Of course, if the military is busy...

Staging an internal police action against Turks themselves...
Chief of General Staff Gen. Yasar Buyukanit will organize a press briefing today, said the General Staff authorities yesterday.

It is expected that he will make comments on military take over allegations and memorandum that was leaked to press. General staff announced that Gen. Buyukanit will make comments on the issues that directly related to the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).
It may have to put an Iraq invasion on hold.

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