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24 April 2007

Guess who's coming to dinner?

I'll give you a hint... it isn't Sidney Poitier.
-- OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper rejected a Liberal suggestion yesterday that Canadian troops should transfer Taliban prisoners to Canada to save them from being handed over to Afghan authorities.
Fresh off his bizarro side deals with Eco-Lizard May and Danny Millions, it seems that Steffi is now sussing out the latest sorely needed block of potential liberal voters.

It's a cagey two-pronged plan... by wrapping up the raggedy-ass fanatical fundamentalist demographic, he also stands to bleed off support from the granola-snorting, sandal-clad wing of the NDP.

Fortunately, the Prime Minister was there to bring the leftbot castles in the sky back in for a safe landing.
Mr. Harper promised the "serious allegations" would be examined by officials and followed up with Afghan authorities, "but what we will not do is bring the Taliban prisoners to Canada."
Now that pricks a hole in Dion's latest trial balloon... but hey Steffi, don't give up just yet.

Maybe the Fiberals could make a special deal with Doug Henning and the Natural Law Party.... so that we can all levitate to work, thus really reducing Canada's carbon emissions.

C'mon... it's at least as jaw-dropping, amazingly idiotic as his latest "Give Terrorism a Chance" brainwave.


RELATED: Suckass Steffi rides again

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