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22 April 2007

David Miller's Toronto...

Can be a pretty cold place these days...
Investigators allege that as Richards turned his car around to drive south two men approached. One suspect struck up a conversation with Richards while the second allegedly walked up to the car and fired one shot.

The first suspect, who first approached Richards' car is described as:

* Being in his early to mid-20s;
* Black; and
* Wearing black jeans, a black leather jacket, and a red-and-white baseball cap.

The second suspect is described as being in his mid-20s, black with braided hair and wearing a black shirt or sweater.
Of course, it could be much worse.


RELATED: Cutting up at Kennedy Station
The man arrested in the fatal stabbing of an apprentice plumber in a TTC subway car was quiet and a bit of a mystery to his father.

John Paul Vallon, 26, was not one to chit-chat, Jesse Vallon said yesterday. "He was a one-question, one-answer type of guy," said the 50-year-old engineer and former civilian employee of the Toronto police force.

He also said there was no hint of violence in the skinny, 5-foot-5 man that he sponsored to bring here from the Philippines nine years ago.
As Ron Popeil used to say... "but wait, there's more."
A second stabbing incident linked to Scarborough's trouble-prone Kennedy subway station within the past week has pushed Toronto transit authorities into a review of security.

The assailants are believed to be in their early 20s and of Tamil origin, while the group who was attacked is white, Det. Sgt. Searl said, but there was no immediate indication of whether the incident had any racial overtones.
Hey Dave... maybe building more basketball courts isn't the answer after all, huh?

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