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11 April 2007

Buhlinda bails...

Just watched CTV uber-spinner Craig Oliver reading Belinda Stronach's political obituary.

On the exalted altar of "progressive" political history, Craig places her right between Joan of Arc & Marie Curie.

Most other commentators were less effusive... somewhere along the lines of, "Put her in a Tim Horton's uniform... you'd never look twice."
In a statement, Stronach said that after assessing the best role she can play in public life, and, "after being encouraged by members of the corporate leadership at Magna to return, I have decided that the timing of my return to the business should not be delayed."
As far as... "being encouraged by members of the corporate leadership at Magna" goes... that means Daddy Warbu... I mean Daddy Stronach... has once again arranged a multi-million dollar soft-landing at the family conglomerate for his pampered princess.

Hey Steffi... you could always run Lisa LaFlamme.

RELATED: The National Post weighs in...
The irony is that by so calculatingly defecting to become the minister responsible for democratic renewal, Ms. Stronach may have sealed the Liberals’ fate in the ultimate act of “democratic renewal,” the January, 2006, election that bounced her new party from power after 13 years.
LAST WORD: Magna shares...
Fell 55 cents to $89.44 on the TSE.

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