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14 April 2007

Brave Jihadis shred women & children

What was Allah thinking... when he willed this?
At least 36 people have been killed and more than 160 hurt in a suicide car bomb attack in Iraq's holy city of Karbala, officials say.

The attacker detonated explosives at a crowded bus station in the city close to a shrine holy to Shia Muslims, at around 0915 local time (0515 GMT).

Many of the casualties were said to be women or children.

UPDATE: Iran curiously quick off the mark

The Iranian government "news agency" has already pronounced this to be the work of a Sudanese national, apparently way ahead of any similar statement by an Iraqi investigatory body.

I'm smelling grassy knoll here...
"There is no doubt that such a crime has been masterminded by mercenaries and aliens who are involved in making rifts among Iraqi people by targeting their unity and Islamic sanctities," he said.

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