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26 April 2007

Algerian Islamofascist...

Gets on board the "soul train"...
Samir Saioud, also known as Samir Moussaab, was killed in fighting in Si Mustapha, east of the capital Algiers, security sources told APS news agency.

Saioud was believed to be the number-two of an al-Qaeda-linked Islamist group, the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC).

Earlier this month, the group claimed responsibility for a series of car bombings in the capital, Algiers, including one near the prime minister's office.
Hey... this approach gets around Stephane Dion's concern about prisoners... maybe we can use it in Afghanistan.

Bad day for al-Qaeda
The US says it has arrested a senior al-Qaeda operative on his way to Iraq to plan future attacks.

A Pentagon spokesman said Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi was heading to Iraq to take over al-Qaeda operations and plot attacks against targets in the West, the Pentagon said.

Reports said he was also accused of involvement in plots to assassinate Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf.
The bigger story is that Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi is apparently the mastermind behind the July 7 suicide bombings in London and assorted terrorist plots against Britain.

And somebody's gonna be getting a special Saudi manicure... with linemans pliers.
Foreign nationals were among 172 terror suspects held in a series of raids, the interior ministry said on state TV.

Large amounts of weapons and $32.4m (£16.21m) in cash were also seized.

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