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08 March 2007

When the going gets tough

Only leftbots run for cover...
-- VICTORIA -- The Canadian Forces top recruiter says the death of soldiers in Afghanistan hasn't deterred people from joining the military.

Despite such news, Adm. Pile said applications for the Canadian Forces have increased 25 per cent since October, when the military began airing new TV commercials.
I heard Steffi and the Libranos want to change the Canadian Forces slogan to... "An Army of None."

Lets support our soldiers.

Of cross words and cross-dressers
KANDAHAR -- A top Taliban commander said yesterday the group has 4,000 fighters bracing to rebuff NATO's largest-ever offensive in northern Afghanistan, now in its second day.

NATO, meanwhile, announced the capture of a senior Taliban fighter who had eluded authorities by wearing a woman's burqa.
I can see tomorrow's headline, "NATO targets bearded women, United Nations outraged."

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