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02 March 2007

A True Conservative

Doesn't censor comments.

When I post a comment on most of the so-called "progressive" blogs... I have come to expect to see the message that, "comments must be approved" by the owner of the blog. When I see the same message at a "conservative" site... I am always a little surprised and disappointed.

If you aren't prepared for someone to disagree with your point of view... if you are only doing this so all your warm, fuzzy idealogical clonebot friends can assay your brilliant remarks and very publicly kiss your anointed ass... then perhaps you should move on over to rabble, or better yet...

The whole point of putting yourself out there is to provoke rational thought and hopefully lively, lucid discussion. It's why I'll take a Kate McMillan, or a Kathy Shaidle over a Liberal Catnip or a Me, Me, Me Myblahg anyday.

So take a walk on the wild side.

Go big... or go home.

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