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09 March 2007

Those savage, homicidal... Conservatives?

You'd think maybe the Red Star could lay off a little when they're -- for example... reviewing movies.
-- Don't worry about missing a single severed head or impaled torso. Director Snyder frequently switches to slow-mo to savour every appalling act.

And he's not above incorporating a Crucifixion image at the end to drive home his point about the nobility of going to war to defend your nation, a subtext that will make this popular entertainment for Conservatives and Republicans everywhere.
RELATED: -- Email death threats here -- (for all you humourless commie robots... that was a joke)

UPDATE: OTOH, if this reviewer was actually right...
The number of movie-goers for the Warner Bros. epic, "300" outnumbered crowds for the rest of the top-10 movies combined.
Maybe there's a little Conservative in all of us.

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