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09 March 2007

Taking Canada...

Out behind the woodshed.
-- Egypt warned against racism and intolerance in Canada after a young Ottawa-area girl was expelled from a soccer tournament in Quebec for insisting on wearing an Islamic headscarf, the foreign ministry in Cairo said on Thursday, according to an AFP report.
I hang my head in shame.

Why can't we be more like kinder, gentler Egypt
The government periodically conducts arrest campaigns of homeless or truant street children who have committed no crime.

In custody many face beatings, sexual abuse, and extortion by police and adult suspects, and police at times deny them access to food, bedding, and medical care.

The authorities do not routinely monitor conditions of detention for children, investigate cases of arbitrary arrest or abuse in custody, or discipline those responsible.
Well, I guess it's not "racist" if Egypt only abuses Egyptian children.

You know who eats up this MSM "Canada is racist" leftbot propaganda like it was candy?

The same people who fall for Al Gore's dog & pony show.

The Kato Kaelin of Journalism

The CBC outdoes itself yet again...
But why didn't Ms. Erickson just tell me, we don't want your interview after all because it doesn't fit into the one-sided story line we are planning to construct?

Or, we can't interview you because you don't have the right expertise? Why did she have to make up a story about canceling the story

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