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15 March 2007

The sun, the moon and sex coupons

There's been a lot of argle-bargle in the news lately, about the baby-boomers being on the cusp or retiring. Maybe Steffi can add this to his loony leftbot list of promises and leverage this demographic.
-- A brothel in Germany hopes to capitalize on the growing number of pensioners by offering them a 50% discount for sex between noon and 5 p.m.

"All clients need to do is show us some proof of age," a spokesman for the brothel said.
Having failed miserably at making a wedge issue out of the environment -- and unbelievably... trying lately to present himself as "tough on crime", Stephane Dion is likely ready to reach for the stars.

It's not like he can make it worse.

UPDATE: Except that... he probably can
The Conservatives' bill calling for mandatory minimum sentences for gun crimes will return to the House from the justice committee on Monday before the budget is tabled.

The stumbling block has been the opposition of the Liberals and the Bloc Quebecois.

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