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21 March 2007

The real Islamobomb threat

Increasing protests against Pervez Musharraf's suspension of the chief justice of Pakistan's Supreme Court, are setting off alarm bells in high places.

If Musharaff, as western friendly a leader as exists in the Islamic world, falls from power, there will be a sudden, dramatic shift in the nuclear balance of power.
-- LAHORE, Pakistan -- Angry lawyers scuffled with police as protests erupted across Pakistan Wednesday over the removal of the nation's top judge, intensifying a crisis that threatens President General Pervez Musharraf's grip on power.

The protests and stinging criticism in Pakistan's media have left Gen. Musharraf facing the biggest political crisis since he seized power in a 1999 coup.
And this isn't just the usual raggedy-ass socialist rabble taking to the streets...
On Wednesday, about 3,000 lawyers rallied in the eastern city of Lahore, chanting anti-government slogans. The demonstrators staged a sit-in at a downtown traffic intersection near the Punjab provincial legislature.
When you consider all this in tandem, with the fact that A.Q. Khan, Pakistan's foremost atomic scientist, is some sort of freebooting nuclear pirate, it's a little unsettling, to say the least.
Pyongyang has benefited from undercover deals involving Abdul Qadeer Khan, the former Pakistani nuclear weapons chief and so-called father of the Pakistan bomb...
So, you can bet that the "first world" nations will be keeping a weather eye on the situation in Pakistan.

It could turn out to be explosive, to say the least.

UPDATE: 22 Mar 2007 - Another Pakistani connection
-- LONDON -- British counter-terrorist police said Thursday they arrested three suspects in the deadly suicide bomb attacks on the London transit system in 2005. Two of the men were picked up just before boarding a plane to Pakistan.

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