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29 March 2007

Ontario: Looking for a doctor...

Looks like you're out of luck...
Nearly 3,000 doctors in Ontario received their licences in 2006 - a record for certificates issued in a single year by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

Of the 2,961 licences issued, 63 per cent went to doctors from outside of Ontario.

According to the college's annual report, entitled "Small Triumphs, Big Challenges," 42 per cent of certificates of registration went to international graduates and 37 per cent went to Ontario graduates.

This is the third year in a row where licences for international graduates have exceeded those given to Ontario graduates.
Apparently, the Ontario government is more interested in providing doctors to the rest of the world.

So where does that leave Ontarians?
The report also showed that just 9.6 per cent of doctors in Ontario were accepting new patients in 2006. This is a strong decline from 1999 where 39 per cent of family doctors were taking new patients.
Worse off than ever before, I'd say.

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