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05 March 2007

McClelland: One goosestep too far

UPDATE: 6 Mar 2007 - McClelland strikes back
"He hates the Jews... more than I do."
FREE MCCLELLAND... so he can find the real anti-semites.

You've gotta be pretty desperate to bring out the O.J. defence...
It’s me asking you to stand by my side to fight the real anti-semites. Are you willing to do that or are you just going to prove me right; that when they came for me, Jews like you didn’t give a shit.

BEST BLOG HEADLINE: First they came... for the idiots


I'm sure more than a few of the Blogging Tories have had the distasteful experience of brushing up against Robert "Myblahg" McClelland.

It seems Little Bobby has gone so far beyond the pale this time, that even the NDP is disavowing any connections to him, or his site.

Cherniak has the details...
I just received a copy of a letter from Anne McGrath, the president of the NDP. In it, she calls Mr. McClelland's comments "repugnant".

She also states that the NDP is creating "a new blog roll that better reflects the views and needs of New Democrats in the blogsphere".

Anybody who has ever had the slightest contact with this tedious pretender could have seen this coming.

I can't wait to hear the justifications from his pals.

UPDATE: Big Dipper McClelland totally unrepentant
"Jack Layton and the NDP have even less influence over me and the Blogging Dippers website than you imbecilic Libfloggers do."

"You don't get what I'm saying so I'll make it totally clear. GO FUCK YOURSELF. And you can publish that on your blog, asshole."

LAST WORD: McClelland acolyte bails
Paladiea says... "Robert, you refuse to apologize, and I’m sorry but I can’t continue to defend you."

"Consider this my resignation."

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