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01 March 2007

It depends who you ask...

After all, wasn't it a former Liberal Immigration Minister who characterised importing strippers from Europe... as simply "supporting a strong industry" with "lots of customers."
-- TOKYO -- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Thursday there is no evidence Japan coerced Asian women into working as sex slaves during the Second World War, backtracking from a landmark 1993 statement acknowledging that tens of thousands of women were forced into prostitution for the military.

Historians say that up to 200,000 women, mainly from Korea and China, were forced to have sex with Japanese soldiers in brothels run by the military government as so-called "comfort women" during the war.
So much for Judy Sgro's lofty ambitions for our daughters.

Maybe Shinzo Abe is similarly saying... this was simply progressive economics.

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