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15 March 2007

If Musharraf goes down...

Iranian nuclear weapons will be the least of our worries.

This is an election year in Pakistan... and there are disturbing new signs of fundamentalist insurrection.
In Islamabad, foreign diplomats were shocked when the government gave in to some 3,000 Kalashnikov-wielding militant women, who refused to evacuate a religious school that had been set for demolition because it had been built illegally.
In a country where women are largely regarded as chattel, you just know some fundamentalist group had to engineer this clever stunt.

President Pervez Musharraf, while hardly the poster boy for emerging democracy in that part of the world, is the only thing keeping the Islamofascist hand off Pakistan's nuclear button.

Without Musharraf... Pakistan will start spinning like a top.

And only Allah knows what happens then.

RELATED: -- Not a good sign...

Upsetting people at both ends of the political spectrum simultaneously, may not be the smartest move Musharraf's ever made...
A political and legal maelstrom has erupted after Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf unceremoniously suspended the country's top judge in a step that lawyers and rights activists have branded an assault on the independence of the judiciary.

Last week's suspension of Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, who did not shy away from taking on cases that challenged the Government, threatens to spiral into a constitutional crisis, lawyers and analysts warn.

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