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01 March 2007

Gearing up... Down Under

When Steffi and the Fiberals rose up to shut down the anti-terror legislation enacted after 9/11... I thought -- "the whole world is going mad" -- but it looks like that doesn't include the Australians...
-- CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- Immigrants can have their Australian citizenship applications vetoed by the national spy agency under tough new laws passed by the Parliament on Thursday.

The new laws also double the time immigrants must live in Australia before they can become citizens to four years. The changes also enable the government to revoke a new Australian's citizenship if it were obtained by fraud.

The changes come amid public outrage about overseas-born radical Islamic leaders who gain Australian citizenship despite preaching against Australian society.
If Canada ever chooses to revert to being the Liberals Happy, Happy Fiefdom, it sounds as though Australia might be a beacon of sanity in a topsy-turvy world.

RELATED: More dual-citizenship shenanigans

Perhaps it's time someone corrected the perception that dual Canadian citizenship is a get out of jail free card...
"I call on the Canadian government to give me a lawyer and to prove my innocence," Mr Attar told reporters clustered around his cage before proceedings began.

A transcript of his confession seen by a Canadian newspaper said he had recruited gay or impoverished Arabs in Canada for Mossad, the Israeli foreign intelligence branch.

Mr Attar denies being homosexual, although it was cited as a reason for an application he made for refugee status with the United Nations.

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