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15 March 2007

Air ye daft, laddie?

What does a bottle of water cost these days... a buck, maybe two?

I haven't the slightest idea... because the thought of buying bottled water... not to mention water bottled by some company, from some place you've never even been... rather than the free stuff that comes out of your own faucets, strikes me as utterly moronic.

I try to imagine explaining this to my long dead Scottish grandfather and, well... I just can't find any words that make it sound like a reasonable proposition.

It's also why I can't imagine anyone is actually surprised by this...
-- TORONTO -- The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is warning the public not to consume Ark Land brand Naturally Carbonated Mineral Water because it may contain arsenic.

The water was produced by Arzni Source for Klukva Pure Inc. of Toronto, which imported the water from Armenia.
So what's the deal here?

Someone must know.

RELATED: It's worse than I thought

You know the pretentious asshole at your sister's wedding -- the guy who bored everyone to tears with his never-ending, melodic tribute to the seven dollar bottle of plonk at the dinner table?

Well, apparently there's someone even more obnoxious than that guy...
"When tasting water the most important factor in its overall integrated sensation we call flavor is the mouthfeel generated by the size, amount and distribution of the bubbles or the absence of it."
LAST WORD: More water skullduggery
-- SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. -- The famed "natural mineral water" baths at Saratoga Spa State Park have been diluted with regular tap water for the last two decades, state officials confirmed yesterday.

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