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01 February 2007

Stop... drop... and cover

If you can't stand the heat, OR free speech... get the hell out of Hiroshima.

Kinsella tosses the ladyblogger bomb back to Liberal Catnip... triggering a predictable schmaltzy, partisan lovefest... that could've made the Romper-Room lady blush.
February 1, 2007 – Here’s a great way to start February – and, so, I hereby and herewith adopt this list.
Despite Libnip's petulant refusal to even allow a mention of the most popular blogger in Canada... who also happens to be a woman...
That decision is not open to debate. Period. Anyone who attempts to dispute that decision will have their comment removed since I'm not interested in wasting my time reading any defences of her behaviour.
Where exactly is Warren Kinsella on this type of censorship, the suppression of free speech?

The short answer is nowhere... he apparently can live with it.

From Supreme Arbiter to Supreme Asskisser in one fell swoop.

UPDATE: Blogger Lovefest gets a facelift


Like those black and white photos of the politburo, where some old guy just disappears, there's a new version of the post at Liberal Catnip.
I'm grateful to all of you who have broadened my horizons and please if your blog wasn't linked to in that list, don't take offense.
Unless, of course... you're that evil Kate.

HYPOCRISY UPDATE: -- Warren, ok... enough with the tease

Lemme see... you're ok with a little stalinism on the blog thing above... but suddenly this other info has to be "set free?"
One former politician has told me that the Liberals and the Conservatives have made a deal — silence about the $300,000 in exchange for silence about the income-trust affair with its allegations about leaks from Liberal insiders to Bay Street.

What of the Canadian news media? What is their excuse? What possible reason could they have for ignoring an extraordinary story like this one? Scandal fatigue, perhaps. Fear of lawsuits, maybe. But no one can deny the Gazette’s modest plea — namely, that “we need to know more.”
Well hell buddy, you're the ultimate insider... let 'er rip!!! -- Don't just point out how cowardly everyone else is... man up -- .

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