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11 February 2007

Steffi the Safety Elephant

UPDATE: 14 Feb 2007 - What now, oh wise Steffi?
Al-Qaeda has called for terrorist strikes against Canada's oil and natural gas facilities to "choke the U.S. economy."

Stephane Dion and Taliban Jack know that Canada is "number one with a bullet" on the Taliban's shitlist. They know there's a pretty good chance that there will be a major terrorist incident... that will cost Canadian lives.

The Liberals know all this, because the anti-terrorism measures designed to prevent such attacks were introduced after 9/11 by, well... the Liberals.

So they must realise the danger of renouncing their support for those laws at this particular point in time.

Turns out... they're willing to take that chance.
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion will join forces with the Bloc Québécois and the NDP next week to strike down the two most controversial anti-terrorism measures introduced by the Liberals in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Looking for any way to try to undermine the Stephen Harper government, Stephane Dion is teaming up with Taliban Jack to try make cheap political points.

That's how desperate Steffi is... he's playing with the safety and security of Canadian citizens.

Let's see what he says when the first bomb goes off.

RELATED: Let's just suppose...
“I ran to help and I saw destruction everywhere, along with charred bodies and body parts. Blood was spilled across a big area,” he said.

“I carried six people who I thought were still alive but then realized they had died after being torn apart by shrapnel.”
What would you say then?

LAST WORD: Hmmm, a total flip... since October?
As recently as October, the Liberals had said they would support extending the provisions that allow preventative arrests of terrorist suspects and investigative hearings.
Gee... what's changed since then, Mr. Dion?

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