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02 February 2007

Resistance is futile...

The best CTV push-poll yet...

The question here isn't, "Do you believe in Global Warming", because, of course... only an idiot doesn't get it... but, "When did you become convinced global warming is caused by human activity?"

I'm amazed they actually included a fourth option at the bottom, for those of us who don't blindly buy into the premise simply because Dr. Did Little named his dog Y2Kyoto.

I'd have to guess crusty, old Craig Oliver, dreamin' about one last shot at the Senate, is the left-leaning Gumbybot who thought up this oinker... well, either him, or the real Gumby.

Despite the obvious bias and implicit scorn for anyone who won't bite... 34% of participants registered "their ignorant disbelief."

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