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11 February 2007

Little dialogue in Herouxville

I, for one, am pleased to hear that these Muslim women have stepped up in Herouxville and are willing to answer questions about their faith.
-- HEROUXVILLE, Que. -- A delegation of Muslim women is visiting a Quebec town that passed a controversial code aimed at immigrants.

The women were clad in traditional Muslim headscarves as they met with about 50 residents of Herouxville, where the town council passed the list of societal norms that would-be immigrants would have to adhere to.
I'm even willing to ask the first question...
If you found out your daughter was in love with a non-Muslim man, would you...

• Support her decision, even though it is anathema to Islam.

• Forbid her to ever see the man in question again.

Persuade the man in question to convert.

• Arrange a quickie marriage to an older man back home.

• Kill her to redeem the family honour.

• It's none of your "sons of pigs and apes" infidel business.

• Other (please elucidate).
Hey, relax... I'm just askin'.

RELATED: Then there's the Liberal line
"I think it's reflective of the fact that Canada is actually fracturing into two nations, he said.

"The urban nation where 80 per cent of Canadians live, and the rural parts of Canada which do not have a lot of interaction with immigrants and different cultures."
Which one are you... sophisticated, urban metro-sexual, or dumb-as-dirt rural racist?

It has to be true... CTV called an expert.

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