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16 February 2007

Is Dalton letting this law die?

One of the few things the Ontario Liberals did, that I could actually support... was shutting down the use of sharia law. Now it seems Dalton is having second thoughts...
A curious delay in proclaiming into law changes aimed at shutting down the use of sharia law in this province is cause for alarm for one Muslim spokesperson and an MPP demanding to know why the government is dragging its feet.

Oddly, although the changes were passed Feb. 14, 2006 and given royal assent shortly thereafter, they have not formally been proclaimed into law.

A spokesman for Bryant said the law hasn't been proclaimed because the "nuts and bolts of the regulations" are still being worked out with religious leaders.

Well, let's hope the amendments get proclaimed before the election writ is dropped -- and everything dies on the order paper.
You can email Dalton McGuinty and Michael Bryant to let them know where you stand on sharia law in Ontario.

Or you can let it slide too.

RELATED: Dalton is no sloth on taxes...
The McGuinty health tax will siphon $2.5 billion from your wallet this year. Some on the left might find the outstanding tax performance marred by McGuinty's solemn promise not to raise taxes, but hey, it was election time.

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