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15 February 2007

Gearing up for the threat

So much for the bucolic image of the inoffensive, unarmed British Bobby...
Armed officers will be patrolling the streets as part of a new task force set up to tackle a spate of fatal shootings in south London.

It will run alongside Operation Trident, which investigates gun crime in London's Afro-Caribbean community.
Exactly how long do you put up with this kind of crime before you take off the rose coloured glasses. I guess the answer is... until you have "a spate" of killings.
The lack of role models in some households is an issue, he admitted. "Some of these young people have got very little connection to stable community lives," he added.
Oh please, spare me the politically correct leftbot mumbo-jumbo. There's a problem here and it's time for the good guys to gear up and resolve it.

Root causes my ass... "use a gun, you're done."

UPDATE: Tony Blair weighs in
"What has happened in south London is horrific, shocking and, for the victims and their families, tragic beyond belief.

"This tragedy is not a metaphor for the state of British society, still less for the state of British youth today, the huge majority of whom are responsible and law-abiding.

"It's a specific problem and a specific criminal culture among a specific group of people."

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